Health Tech Firm Secures APIs, Sees ROI in 30 days

APIsec has significantly enhanced the Health Tech firm's API security testing capabilities, providing comprehensive coverage and real-time risk management. This collaboration has led to efficient deployment, rapid time to value, and substantial cost savings, proving the effectiveness of proactive and continuous API security measures in protecting sensitive health data within the dynamic health technology industry.
March 1, 2022
Read Time:
4 min read

The Business Impact:

Frictionless Testing Before Production

Zero impact on push to production schedule

100% API Endpoints Tested Prior to Production

Continuous, comprehensive testing of every build including RBAC and BOLA tests

30 Days to ROI

50% reduction in security costs and 5 person years saved to-date

Health Tech Firm

Health Tech Firm


“After working with APIsec, our technologists were impressed with the approach and capabilities. Today, it is our biggest bang for our security buck.”

About the Health Tech Firm

Company: Health Tech Firm
Founded: 2017
Industry: Health Technology
Mission: Delivering innovative health tech solutions while maintaining HIPAA and HITRUST compliance.

This health technology startup has experienced exponential growth in both users and features. Ensuring compliance with HIPAA and HITRUST standards while maintaining a fast-moving CI/CD pipeline became their top priority.

Business Challenge: Balancing Speed and Compliance

The Health Tech firm faced the challenge of integrating security into its fast-paced development environment without compromising speed. Traditional security measures, including dynamic scanning, bug bounties, and manual pen tests, were too slow to keep up with the rapid release cycles.

Key Challenges:

  • Achieving HIPAA and HITRUST compliance.
  • Lack of security expertise among in-house developers.
  • Avoiding delays in the release of new product features due to security testing.
  • Quickly assessing API security flaws in a push-to-production environment.

The Solution: API Security Built Into the CI/CD Pipeline

To balance speed with security, APIsec was introduced into the staging environment phase. APIsec seamlessly integrated into the CI/CD process, automatically injecting attack vectors and highlighting critical issues with actionable remediation suggestions.

Key Considerations

  • Initial API security scanning deployed in a few hours
  • Seamless integration into the CI/CD process without disrupting development
  • Automated detection of new APIs, endpoints, or features and creation of new attacks/tests
  • Shifted security testing left, making it part of the development workflow

The Business Impact: Enterprise-Grade API Security, Rapid ROI & the Confidence to Build Faster

API Security Coverage:

  • Number of APIs covered: 1000+
  • Frequency of automated tests: Continuous


  • Compliance standards met: HIPAA, HITRUST

Return on Investment:

  • Time to ROI: 30 days

Cost Savings:

  • Reduction in security costs: 50%

Developer Efficiency:

  • Number of vulnerabilities detected and remediated: 150+ in the first month

Rapid Deployment and ROI:

“After working with APIsec, our technologists were impressed with the approach and capabilities. Today, it is our biggest bang for our security buck.”
— Health Tech Firm CISO

Looking Ahead: Sustaining Security Excellence

The Health Tech firm is committed to further enhancing its API security practices by focusing on the following:

  • Expanding Testing Coverage: Broadening the scope of API security tests to cover new functionalities and services.
  • Enhancing Automation: Increasing automation in security processes to reduce manual intervention and accelerate response times.
  • Continuous Training: Investing in ongoing training for development and security teams to stay updated with the latest security practices and threats.
  • Collaborating with APIsec: Leveraging new features and updates from APIsec to enhance their security posture.

By prioritizing these areas, the Health Tech firm aims to maintain robust protection of their APIs, ensuring the highest standards of security and reliability for their customers.